Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today's trending twitter topic is #girlcode

I think it's in reference to a new MTV show. I wouldn't know. I know nothing about this show. I can't comment on it.

But apparently guys are being pissy about it the topic? Ew. Grow up. Few things I wanna say.

-You're right. Women aren't funny. We're boring and annoying as hell. Why do we have a show?
- In terms of an actual girl code, there's always been one. It's existed for as long as guy code has. I promise you they are all the same dang rules. Although I've never bothered looking at it as "___ code" cause a lot of it should just be common sense and human decency.
- "This is the only girl code you ladies need" -shows some picture about making a sandwich-. I don't mind those jokes cause lol women. But seriously? A sandwich? Like, at least be creative. Why not ask for something like lasagna? Or a pineapple upside down cake? Or give us an entire book on Caribbean cuisine? Would you really be happy if your woman only ever looked at one recipe, and it was for a SANDWICH?! Like, if you're gonna be rude and demand, go all out bro. Also, why is this girl code? Don't get me wrong, girls should know how to cook, but so should guys! Men who know how to work in a kitchen are sexy! Yummm.


Gotta be honest. Kinda pissed that there's no cancel account button. The fact that I should even have to make an account at all is ridiculous. But the fact that I can't stop that account? No wonder the Echelon is a cult, you literally cannot get out. Don't get me wrong, I love what 30STM is doing. The ability to chat with fans like that and show us a glimpse of their personal lives as well as musical progress is AMAZING. But they're not the first ones to do it. And let's be honest. How often do they mention you? Or REMEMBER you? And how much of it is just a bunch of fangirls screaming and crying and spamming so quickly you can't even see what the live chat is saying? I love the band. That is unwavering. And I am happy to be a part of this family. Live stuff just isn't my cup of tea. I don't see anything wrong with that. That being said, I SHOULDN'T BE FORCED TO STAY HERE! But I don't want to contact anyone, because then I WILL be remembered. I'll be remembered as that one bad fan who didn't understand. Grr. Dammit. Darn. And Fooey.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Late Night Cravings

Emily tweeted: "I want pancakes."

Me: Darling. I don't know why. Or what. Just something. I'm guessing... I dunno, don't ask me why. Just, I'm getting a vibe. Or something. Something tells me. That you want pancakes.
Emily: (almost crying) SO MUCH.


The vast majority of me laughs because of how ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT Angner Reyes is to my life. Especially considering that it took me two years to realize that the only reason I was ever attracted to him was because he reminded me of Jonathan. Now, we went through all that grief for nothing, he's smokes like an idiot, and I can't even remember the last real conversation we had.

But I have to say, "Thank you, Angner Reyes. Because, despite my having known about Jared Leto through My So-Called Life, it was you that truly introduced me to 30 Seconds to Mars."

This Boy

You are so cute, it's stupid.


I dream of a future with you. Where everyone just knows us as together. Where we can publicly post stupid things on each others' walls. Where I can take you to parties with my extended family and they all know you and know that you will be there with me.  I dream of a future where my niece is not only comfortable, but doesn't even remember a time where Tia Sammy wasn't with Uncle Jonathan. I dream of a time when everyone asks when you'll pop the question, and the whole time you actually have a plan but you want to keep it a secret. I dream of building a home together. A life together. I dream of a time when we are in love.

Part Of Your World

Have you ever just wanted to be a part of something? Even though you knew you couldn't. And it made no logical sense but you just wanted it so badly. To be part of a club. Or a friend group. Or a family. Or even just one particular person's life. You wanted to get their jokes and hold them while they cried and plan fun things and just matter to them.

Because they just look so happy.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Worst Fans

In regards to the latest Carrie Alex news.

Congratulations. Whoopty-freakin-do for you! Too bad you didn't get confirmation until they FREAKING BROKE UP, now did ya? Get over yourself

"Omg just say you are still together everyone wants you to .... Get married ..... Have kids (don't worrie I doubt Carrie will have a miss carriage ) ......we all love u to as a couple xxx"
omfg can you not? Really? Did she NOT just go through a depressing break-up? Was she not just ridiculously hurt by this guy? You can't force two people together, no one gives a damn what you want. Let them do whatever the hell they like. Grow up.

"Unless they ARE still together and they SAID they broke up to stop the shipping..."
...I f*cking quit. This fandom is the worst. I hate you all. STOP. CARING. YOU ARE THE WORST. STOP NOSING AROUND IN BUSINESS THAT ISN'T YOURS you freaking whores.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dammit Nerimon

Ugh... Sometimes Alex. Sometimes.

"Can I start by kissing you?"


Sorry. WTF am I saying? I don't know either of these people personally, and even if I did that would give me absolutely no right to judge either of their choices even then. But OMG CARRIE. Girl, you can do ridiculous amounts of better. I'm happy you're friends. I am. I stay friends with all my ex's so I get it. You were with him a year. Someone so special in your life doesn't just leave for good. But if one of my ex's said that to me a good month (?) after breaking my heart, I'd be livid. Like no b*tch, you gave me up, you're damn loss. Merp. Shut up Sammy. People hate it when you decide their lives for them. Welp. Those cards are BS, your future will be just as bright as you are, my dearest.

Thank You.

Becca just introduced me to my new favorite thing

Age On the Clock

You know, I thought I was in love at 12. And I agree, it's stupid. Completely stupid. You don't know yourself. You don't know what anything is. Your world is so damn small and you think everything is like the movies when absolutely none of it is. Middle schoolers are pathetic and there is no such thing as a smart middle schooler. Don't blame it on a generation, we were just as bad. Not as slutty, but just as bad. I was a pathetic middle schooler. And I thought I was in love at 12. Which was really, really stupid.

But 6 years later, and I'm still in love with the same person. At least, that's how it feels. So when did it start? Or was I right, even then? Or am I still just a kid who doesn't know anything about anything?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My List

  1. Josh Hutcherson
  2. Jared Leto
  3. Ian Somerhalder
  4. Joe Holmes
  5. Dan Howell

mfw two of them are taken now DX
JK, cute couples are cute. 
none of these will ever happen anyway
Sammy, shut up.


The problem with parasocial relationships is how personal they become. You feel like you know them so well, even though there's a world of things you never will know. But you love all the things you see. So on the one hand, you're happy for them when they find someone that makes them happy. Thrilled even! Especially when they're finally comfortable enough with that happiness that they can express it publicly. But then you're also jealous because they're no longer available and there's no way they'd see you. Which makes no sense. Because there was literally (literally in it's literal sense. Not a hyperbole. The LITERAL form of the word LITERALLY) zero possibility of anything happening. Not just with fictional characters, but celebrities, too. Because of age gap, distance, social circle, etc. So why does it hurt? 'Cause we're whiny teenagers.

Yeah, I'm talking about Joe Holmes (Plus2Joe) and Kristina Horner (italktosnakes). But this applies to honestly any parasocial relationship. Kyou Sohma comes to mind (aka most perfect boyfriend ever written on a page that, if real, I would drop everything for without hesitation. Once again, speaking literally). Welp Kristina, you are amazing and fantastic and I am so incredibly happy that you've reached a place in your life where you are happy. But I dunno how I'll feel about whatever lucky girl takes Daniel Howell (danisnotonfire). Kidding. When the time comes, she's gonna be fantastic, too, I already know.

Unimportant thoughts. I'm just another 18 year old single girl, who is like everyone else in her demographic. Except I act like a hyper, childish, naive 5 year old. Or a whiny, immature 12 year old depending on my mood. Enough about me. Let's talk about Clara C. 'Cause she's perfect. Better yet, no more words. Just listen.

Friday, April 12, 2013

That's An Order

Sammy: i love you
Jason: I love you too i don't get to say that enough these days
so thanks
Sammy: i'm honored. truly
Jason: tis no honor to be with be with me, but a pleasure, indeed, to be with thee
Sammy: you make me swoon
Jason: surely you jest. me make you swoon? why? when tis your eyes whom shine bright, like a hopeful moon
Sammy: i'm blushing dear!
Jason: blushing my dear? have no fear, tis YOUR words that draw me near. They're why I'm here!
Sammy: ugh. and he rhymes. i'm sold
Jason: oh my, don't mind my silly prose. tis you who deserves attention, my sweet, blue rose.
Jess: Marry him.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Makes Sense to No One But Me

Thank you for never being attracted to me ever. Legit. THANK. YOU. I need guy friends. I'm dependent on them. It's all I've known for so long. But I don't really have that here. So having you around to be fully open and honest with is basically saving my sanity. Thanks. The issue is though, I'm too used to that being something more. Sort of. More so, I'm used to my friends, at random points, deciding they like me. And then me, knowing full well that they don't, going out with them anyway. And then starting to gain hope. And then being dumped. Because I was a rebound, or a hookup, or just the desperate choice. And they stay my best friends. And I know they'd never purposely do anything to hurt me. And I know that they're good guys who really don't do that to girls ever. But for the briefest of moments, it hurts. And creates a history. We suddenly have a more complex relationship, even if we don't act like it, because we were a thing once. That's high school me. And high school me got hurt often. So you basically saying I'm not that pretty? Yeah, kinda hurts. But you're not saying anything I don't already know. Meanwhile, I'm thankful. Because we'll never be anything more than friends. That is the guarantee you've given me. And it's one I've needed from my boys for a very long time.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Oh my gosh.
Code Lyoko.
William's Clone.
I can't.
Oh my gosh.
He's just so irreparably stupid.
I can't handle it.
I know he's just a clone but

Priorities IN CHECK

Jess: I'm trying to regain my strength.
Me: But didn't you actually want to lose muscle because you wanted to regain your flexibility?
Jess: Yeah. See. I have a problem with that. 'Cause... Sex. Would be nice.


FLASHBACK! Because legit, I have this song stuck in my head way more than I'm willing to admit

okay, and now i'm just gonna leave these here while Code Lyoko loads