Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Today's trending twitter topic is #girlcode

I think it's in reference to a new MTV show. I wouldn't know. I know nothing about this show. I can't comment on it.

But apparently guys are being pissy about it the topic? Ew. Grow up. Few things I wanna say.

-You're right. Women aren't funny. We're boring and annoying as hell. Why do we have a show?
- In terms of an actual girl code, there's always been one. It's existed for as long as guy code has. I promise you they are all the same dang rules. Although I've never bothered looking at it as "___ code" cause a lot of it should just be common sense and human decency.
- "This is the only girl code you ladies need" -shows some picture about making a sandwich-. I don't mind those jokes cause lol women. But seriously? A sandwich? Like, at least be creative. Why not ask for something like lasagna? Or a pineapple upside down cake? Or give us an entire book on Caribbean cuisine? Would you really be happy if your woman only ever looked at one recipe, and it was for a SANDWICH?! Like, if you're gonna be rude and demand, go all out bro. Also, why is this girl code? Don't get me wrong, girls should know how to cook, but so should guys! Men who know how to work in a kitchen are sexy! Yummm.

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"Leave your low-down at the ding-dong" -- Vic, RvB