Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In the Storm

You're the only person I want to see. To be with. To cuddle. To talk to.

Love me?

asdfghjkl; needy

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Emily's gone for the weekend. (Maybe cuddles with Jeremy)
Eric is here (Jess' boo. Very cute. Except he smokes which is disappointing)
Nancy & James are off being soulmates.
Sara & Ryan are having issues.
Lauren & Jordan have their issues, but things get talked about. And they talk constantly.

I'm so lonely right now. I miss him. I miss feeling loved. I miss not having to think about it. I seriously feel miserable right now and I have absolutely no good reason. I wanna cry. But I can't. And I also have no reason to cry. Music isn't helping. Cleaning is. I don't want to do homework.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Embarrasing Moment, 10/25/12

It's 4:30AM, I look at my Skype screen, and see this message.

[4:03:24 AM] Cyber Nation: dawwwwh<3 night cutie ;D

I fell asleep. On camera. MY LIFE >.<

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hopeless Wanderer

Earlier portion: Couples everywhere, it kills me. Forever alone status. You just got married, how the hell are you already pregnant? I know you'd told me beforehand but now that I'm "allowed to know" (thanks for the faith in me, brother dear), I can whine about it. I'm so sick of everything being about you this year, and basically not being allowed to think about myself for 2 seconds. Do you even feel married? You already lived with the guy a year, what the hell difference is there now but a signed document?!

Bitter - Bitter - Bitter - Bitter - Bitter

Later portion: Stop drinking. Just stop. Seriously. It solves NOTHING. Don't be white trash babe, you're better than that. I wanna cry. I thought you were doing better. What if I lose you? What if T loses you? Just. STOP. And no, I'm not okay with it because I am a sick bigoted b*tch, but I love him for you. Because he takes such good care of you. And he really does love you. And even if it's not me, you deserve to be in love with someone. 

Bitter - Bitter - Bitter - Bitter - Bitter

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Chucky's Flow"

"Pues llego ¿quien llega??? Chucky Flow Killa el de la 40 Y no provoques que te mate con mi letra tu eres feka, no estas apto pa esta guerra morirás sangrado en una puta cuneta yo soy calle, tu no eres calle y tu lo sabes, y es mejor que conmigo no te resbales, naci solo, jodo solo, guerreo solo y contra ti o contra cualquiera yo me jodo no me la tengo que pasar con gángsters papa no aparento con cadena que no es mía pai, para sacar las pacas en la discoteca pai, para tener que frontear con una botella de champagne, estos modhafuckaz se creen superman a todas esta nos matamos y no me jodas mas....UNA MAS PA LOS FEKAS, BULLEST PA LOS KE FASTAMEAN Y ELEGANCIA CON LAS GATAS EN LAS....Flow Killaz all day...$$$$$$....."

... seriously? "$$$$$$"? I quit. No. Just stop. Please. I'm so tired of your existence. There's a reason people think Hispanics are stupid: You. Sorry, can't deal with the chanchi stereotypical ish. No patience for it. Learn to spell, 'cause even your Spanish is atrocious.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Daddy Dear

Seriously? Don't you effing get it? My mom needs that money. Just 'cause I don't live here doesn't mean I don't come back and I don't want my mom to live comfortably. If we lose the house, it'll be your damn fault. Don't you get that half our family was just here? OBVIOUSLY she needs money. Stop acting like it's any skin off your knees, when you take your whateverthehellsheis out all the dang time. Did you actually talk to the court about this? Wow. Man up, and get my phone fixed. I'm tired of you.

PS: Walking further away does not prevent me from hearing your conversation.


Three's A Crowd

Of ALL the people to fantasize a threesome with, you pick the two girls saving themselves till marriage? -sigh- maybe that's why?

You are one twisted mofo, bud.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Good Ol' Alex

You can always count on him to creep me out in flattering ways.

Disco Ball Is Just Hanging By A Thread

You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they'd fill the open air

And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs

From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance

A foxtrot above my head

A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep
Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies

I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell

But I'll know where several are

If my dreams get real bizarre
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Paved With Good Intentions

I love my Tia. But seriously. Stop reorganizing everything in my room. I put it there because I like it that way. When you move everything, it's not okay with me that I have to ask you where everything is in my own room. ahdjfkghdehs I can't get mad at you but OMG I did not need to spend half an hour looking for costumes. Actually.

Stormy Storm

You're actually the only one I can say I truly miss from home @-@

After a long, stressful day? Yeah, that was exactly what I needed. I love you, kiddo! 3 more weeks!

Also: Sara is excited to meet you... I've told her all about you, and she says you're her kind of person haha

I'm practically giddy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Warmth & A Cuddle

Oh my sweet fifty shades.

Girls who ask for that kind of a man don't know what they're asking for. Even without the BDSM.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Religion, Politics, & The Great Pumpkin

Be kind. Be respectful. Treat others how you want to be treated. Look at how you can change yourself instead of trying to change others.

Yeah okay.

Here's the issue with that. It only works for so long. Because people always think they're right. And they make it a point to make you feel foolish for believing what you do. I feel like, to some degree, I have to hide how I feel about God. I admit to being Christian proudly, but unless someone asks me directly, I do not preach and I go above and beyond to not offend anyone. I hold my tongue. Why can't you do the same? I get it. You don't believe in God. Alright. Yes, proof in science, I understand. That's great that you believe that. I don't agree, so what do I do? I keep my mouth shut! You, on the other hand, make me feel stupid for obeying the words of my God. You make me feel like an idiot because I care about Salvation. This is my life. This is everything about my life. Why is it so easy for you to just tear it down until there's nothing left?! Why is it so fun for you? I get it, there truly are so many people who call themselves Christian and thrive on hatred and ignorance. But we're not all like that. I make it a point to not be. So when you make fun of us and act like you're superior, it's heartbreaking. Yes, it's hard to be pro-choice in this society. Yes, it's hard to be homosexual. Yes, it's hard to be a teen mom. You know whose fault that is? The fault of any person that is a bigot with a stubborn and hateful heart. But here's a tip: When you blame everything on religion, the bigots at fault are the ones that completely ignore you. You know who does hear it and who takes it to heart? Those of us that know God is loving and that His love is meant to be shared. Those of us that know we're not meant to judge others, but to help and care for one another. The reason we spread His word, the REAL word that is "God is love", is because we legitimately believe in Salvation, and we want to bring the happiness we feel and can feel to others. But now, it's hard to be Christian! Now it's like we're all scared of believing in God because "we're wrong" and "the only reason we believe it is that our parents told us to" or "we need to cling to a fantasy for comfort". We believe it in our hearts! I know with everything in me that He is real and watching me and loving me, but I guess that makes me an idiot in your eyes. Fine, we get it, we've stopped preaching because you don't like it. But now I'm begging you, please, stop trying to change us by calling us stupid and blind. If you don't agree, is it so hard to stay quiet? Because we have been for a long time and it's killing us. It's actually leaving us broken. Can't you tell? All we want is to share God's love, but we get drowned out by the hate for God. How much longer do I have to sit here and watch people turn my life into your joke? It's like some war is going on, and the only people who are trying to solve conflicts peacefully are the ones who get hurt the most. You're not winning anything with your words, but the rest of us sure are losing.

Hooray for internet venting. Where I look whiny and lack eloquence, and people can just scroll right past.

Downside to Gossip

When they gossip to you about others, it's likely they gossip to others about you.

I wonder.

I Believe In Pink

I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing....kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything else seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day and
I believe in miracles.

Audrey Hepburn

Monday, October 8, 2012

Downward Spiral

> Cold
> Angry
> Sad
> Uncomfortable
> Lie down
> Blanket
> Nap
> Headache
> Groggy
> Cranky

Stop Sammy. Just stop. Today is not your day.

Pardon Me While I Laugh At Disgustingly Loud Decibals


Oh no you did not just wink at me. -sass on-


I clean when I'm upset.
This is most likely due to the fact that I feel chaotic and a loss of control, so I try to organize the things I have control over.

I rhyme when I'm upset.
I think this is most likely a form of regression.

I've been cleaning and rhyming for two hours. No results. This is what our lives together will be like. Why did I say midnight? I should've just taken the offer to talk right away. Fed up. I'm going to bed.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Natural flirts

I know too many for my liking.

The More I Think About It

You truly are my fifty shades.

But I still think our story would sell better.

Intentions Were

Don't stop trying just because you think you're winning.

I'm sorry. I don't think you get that I love you. Either tell me you don't feel the same so I can finally move on after 6 years of playing this game or put in more effort.

Mistakes Happen

If you can't do anything about it, GET THE HELL OUT THE WAY AND LET THE TECHIES HANDLE IT!

Also, sorry, I'm not happy for you. You're doing the most for a week.

Whatever. Tonight was wonderful.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

In the Crowd

- Jonathan
- Storm
- Eric
- JuanJosé
- Spencer
- Smeallie

The only people I really want to see in that crowd. Oh well. I guess 1/6 is better than nothing. Can't wait to see my little one.

Monday, October 1, 2012


So Carroll County is a ghost hot spot. McDaniel campus is FULL of them. Harvey is the ghost in our theatre. He will matter later.

My Day (Tech run):
- Throat feels sore. I'm packed with cough drops. Baby le'go
- Successful run of Act II, cool cool
- Silhouettes in Without Love do not work. Good. I felt short and hated being paired with Adrian anyway.
- Get to I Know Where I've Been. Finish song. Lightboard why you no work? Dinner break!
- Pumpkin Pie. LOUL diet? Fun dinner.
- Go to room and recieve LOVELY present from my roommate (so so so happy)
- Wig fits. Woot. I'm concerned about doing this on my own. But hey.
- Start the run, so far so good.
- Miss a set cue. Damn. Obviously I'm annoyed at myself. I'll make sure I'm there early every time.
- Change costumes, oh snap, missed another cue. But this one is okay. Now I know.
- Set change is all good.
- Welcome to the 60's! Singing was great. Dancing needs so much work. Pooh.
- Quick change. Kill me slowly we won't have time.
- Run & Tell That ends and I am SPENT and all out of cough drops. I'm dying for the act to end so I can get water.
- From here on out cues are all good and such, but my voice is still killing me.
- Lighting board problem solved. WOOT.
- Dancing fixed goodie goodie.
- Here's the crazy part. We're about to run the scene change between Madison and Nicest Kids Reprise one last time. Everyone is on stage. We are almost moving. Disco. Ball. Drops. And shatters. Time freezes. It was so crazy. I wonder if Harvey did it, Phantom of the Opera style. Lena was SO close, but no one was hurt, thank God.
- Go downstairs immediately for notes. One of them being that in I Know Where I've Been, the white kids need to be more into the music because the African-American kids and one Hispanic look so moved and the white kids look like their at a Methodist church. ELIZABETH I LOVE YOU.
- All I wanna know is if John thinks I'm clingy or flirting because I want to be neither. Not interested, sorry if you got another vibe 'cause I'd be annoyed, too.
- Finally back. Mom is coming tomorrow to drop off nonsense. Until then, peppermint tea and lots of cough drops courtesy of Emily & Sara <3
- Must recover. No singing for Sammy... DX

Long entry is long.