Monday, October 1, 2012


So Carroll County is a ghost hot spot. McDaniel campus is FULL of them. Harvey is the ghost in our theatre. He will matter later.

My Day (Tech run):
- Throat feels sore. I'm packed with cough drops. Baby le'go
- Successful run of Act II, cool cool
- Silhouettes in Without Love do not work. Good. I felt short and hated being paired with Adrian anyway.
- Get to I Know Where I've Been. Finish song. Lightboard why you no work? Dinner break!
- Pumpkin Pie. LOUL diet? Fun dinner.
- Go to room and recieve LOVELY present from my roommate (so so so happy)
- Wig fits. Woot. I'm concerned about doing this on my own. But hey.
- Start the run, so far so good.
- Miss a set cue. Damn. Obviously I'm annoyed at myself. I'll make sure I'm there early every time.
- Change costumes, oh snap, missed another cue. But this one is okay. Now I know.
- Set change is all good.
- Welcome to the 60's! Singing was great. Dancing needs so much work. Pooh.
- Quick change. Kill me slowly we won't have time.
- Run & Tell That ends and I am SPENT and all out of cough drops. I'm dying for the act to end so I can get water.
- From here on out cues are all good and such, but my voice is still killing me.
- Lighting board problem solved. WOOT.
- Dancing fixed goodie goodie.
- Here's the crazy part. We're about to run the scene change between Madison and Nicest Kids Reprise one last time. Everyone is on stage. We are almost moving. Disco. Ball. Drops. And shatters. Time freezes. It was so crazy. I wonder if Harvey did it, Phantom of the Opera style. Lena was SO close, but no one was hurt, thank God.
- Go downstairs immediately for notes. One of them being that in I Know Where I've Been, the white kids need to be more into the music because the African-American kids and one Hispanic look so moved and the white kids look like their at a Methodist church. ELIZABETH I LOVE YOU.
- All I wanna know is if John thinks I'm clingy or flirting because I want to be neither. Not interested, sorry if you got another vibe 'cause I'd be annoyed, too.
- Finally back. Mom is coming tomorrow to drop off nonsense. Until then, peppermint tea and lots of cough drops courtesy of Emily & Sara <3
- Must recover. No singing for Sammy... DX

Long entry is long.

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"Leave your low-down at the ding-dong" -- Vic, RvB