Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dear Mr. Bieber,

How does one party like it is 3012? And why 3012? What do you know that we don't?

Amazing Alex

Even when I go for sympathy. For a little flirting. He's just so right. And he says exactly what I need to hear. Not what I need to feel better. But what I need to get my act together and stop moping. He's genius. Effing genius. He's better than I.

Friday, February 22, 2013

In An Elevator

Such Selfish Prayers

This is as good a place to fall as any
We'll build our alter here
Make me your Maria
I'm already on my knees
You had Jesus on your breath
And I caught him in mine
Sweating our confessions
The undone and the divine
This is his body
This is his blood

Such selfish prayers
And I can't get enough
Oh, whoa, whoa, yeah

Spilled milk tears,
I did this for you
Spilling over the idol

The black and the blue

The sweetest submission
Drinking it in
The wine, the women, the bedroom hymns
'Cause this is his body
This is his love
Such selfish prayers and I can't get enough

Whoa, whoa, yeah
I can't get enough

I'm not here looking for absolution
Because I found myself an old solution
I'm not here looking for absolution
Because I found myself an old solution

This is his body
This is his love
Such selfish prayers, I can't get enough

This is his body
This is his love
Such selfish prayers, I can't get enough
Whoa, whoa, yeah
I can't get enough
Whoa, whoa, yeah
I can't get enough
Whoa, whoa, yeah

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What is a Bagginses?

Jess: I want to hold it i want to touch it i want to smell it
Sammy: You sound like Gollum.
Jess: Who?
Sammy: My precious?
Jess: I haven't seen Lord of the Rings
Sammy: Well I read the Hobbit in 8th grade so..
Jess: I am the Hobbit
Sammy: Bagginses?
Jess: Pegasus. I am Poseidon.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Yes, Let's

Comeback Kid

Double Meaning

Justin Timberlake AND Fallout Boy?
With Destiny's Child at the Superbowl
Let's give it up for 2013!

We did an exercise in my Voice & Movement class. It was meant to relax us. So we lie on the ground, clear our minds, practice our breathing. The usual.

She told us to picture our favorite place, where we are warm, and comfortable. Every step after that was taking us away from that place. Mind you, that was not the focus. We were meant to shift entirely to that new place and new action, but I couldn't.

She said warm and comfortable. I thought of my dorm room. On a Saturday morning, about 9am so I've slept in but not wasted my day. The sun is shining in. I'm wrapped in my warm blanket, and you are there with me. I was meant to be alone, but for some reason you were there, and I was deep in your arms, safe and warm. And as much as I wanted to shift with the images she was giving us, I couldn't because I so desperately wanted to be back with you.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Funny How

My best friend is in Canada. Has been for 4 years. And then there's this kid who means so much to me, and tells me I mean even more to him, off in Florida. And I haven't seen him in at least 2 years.

And I still talk to them more than I do you. Like, they both make it a point to hold conversations with me as often as possible.

This isn't me being mad or whining or blaming you. I just think it's kind of crazy. Especially because I'm watching 3 guys chase Jess at once. Like, try so dang hard. And then I look at us and think... I'm chasing him. And I shouldn't be. We should be equals by now. But we're not. I wonder if I know what's good for me. I mean, not to say I should fall for a kid who lives 14 hours away from me. But still. I just wonder.

It doesn't matter. I can wonder forever. I'll never find the answer and I'll always be in love with you. Because yes, I am in love with you. It's just food for thought.

Disney's Paperman

Friday, February 1, 2013

I Swoon Too Much

you know what i cant get over
the fact that i, as hardcore as possible, made out with you, out of all people, in public, behind a shopping center.

Your words move me so quickly