Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Unanimous Decisions

1) Why the hell do you all talk? You ALL HATE EACH OTHER. Seriously. Move on. Stop talking to each other. I'd rather you split up than be fake.

2) Storm sucks.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Youtube vs The World

Becoming Youtube Episode 10

What If No

I thought about your alternate world theory. And how there's different dimensions where one little changed decision changes entire lives. I dunno if they exist. I related it to God, and how he knows everything that will happen, and how each little thing could be affected by another little thing. So. I wondered.

What if we hadn't met?

At first I thought:

What would you be if I weren't in your life? Would you be worse off? Maybe you'd have a girlfriend by now. Maybe you wouldn't know Samie. Or you'd be on your way to marry her. How about all the bad stuff. Or would you trust anyone. Or maybe you'd be nicer. Or a better boyfriend. I don't know. I'm not you.

And then I thought:

What would I be if you weren't in my life?

And the very first answer I came up with was "Happy?" And I regretted it immediately. I don't know. I can't imagine. I don't want to know. This is why God's in charge. He can know. But I don't want to.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Freebie List Plus 1?

Soooooo is there any possible way the Freebie list can extend to 6 people? 'Cause I got it bad for the DJ named Madeon <3

Thursday, July 25, 2013


  • I'm lonely
  • I have no future
  • I hate myself
I go through phases where I'll whine about each one of these. One at a time. It's always something. But I'm used to it. It's the days when I start to think about all three that I really have a breakdown.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Love Letter

I've actually gotten some before.

I'm the kind of girl who won't believe a secret admirer letter until she knows who wrote it. Why? Because boys don't like me. So if no one fesses up, it has to be a prank. But I've gotten one before. It was from Marc. My first letter. And then he sent a second one saying that he was he secret admirer. While I was with Xabiel, he wrote me two love letters. Actually telling me how mc he loved me and how lucky we were to be together.

No, I don't have a good dating history. I don't have a lot of guys that actually cared about me. Especially not ones that I liked. But I can't say I've never been liked. And I've had such good guys care for me. I've had love letters. There were letters written about me. For me.

Maybe I don't have a boyfriend. Maybe I won't. Maybe I won't get married. I don't know. Maybe I won't be loved. But I was loved.

Love I Don't Deserve

I'm so sorry to have friendzoned you. Because you're perfect.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Home Girl

Why do people want to leave? When they leave, they never want to come back. They forget all about what we have here. I love it here. I love what I have here. Why would anyone think scenery is more important than that?

Pros and Cons

I wanna go back to school: My friends are there. I actually do things. Schoolwork sucks, but it's a million times better than work. No more old hispanic men. No more of my mother constantly there. Living in my dorm.

I want to stay here: No more free time. My friends are here. My church will probably forget me again. Schoolwork sucks. No more visiting Cristina. Living in a dorm.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 4

Day four of mother nature's gift to you:
"There's only one thing we say to death. Not today"
That quote is probably wrong and how nice would it be if we could somehow cheat death altogether. But it serves to remind me that I am alive today.
You are alive today, that has to count for something. What other reason do you need to smile?

R.I.P Cory Monteith

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 3

day three of mother nature's gift to you:

"Beauty captures the attention. Personality captures the heart.""

It's a good thing you have both my dear.

--JuanJosé Medina

Thursday, July 11, 2013

You Forgot Your Shadow

I find it incredible. Really. All I want to do is just hook-up with someone. Just fool around. A little bit. And then drop it. And I know I could. And I'd get what I wanted. But you've ruined it. Not because I have a conscience stopping me. Not because I think I can do better. Because they can't do better than you. And I'll always want it to be you. And the whole time, I'll be thinking of you. No one will ever be able to touch or hold or kiss or ANYTHING like you. And no one but you could be my first. I just can't let that happen. Well done. You've ruined it without even being aware. Ugh.

Ignore my rant. Enjoy this song because it and its video are genius.

My Remedy

After explaining that my period freaked out and made me too sick to work today.

JuanJosé: hmm, im sorry. if i was there i would shower you with chocolate and whatever else ladies need.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Lunch With Storm

And surprise guest: Jason!

That was a waste of a day. I should've stayed home and watched anime. Or gone to Karla's. Or spent the day with a friend. Like a real friend. Why do I need to confirm how much I hate you? Ugh, screw summer. This is the summer where everyone leaves. They're all here, but they've left. For good. And Storm lost my favorite book T.T

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Internet Icon S2 Ep7


Ryan, go home. Like, what the actual hell. That was uncalled for. I get it. Similar videos. And yes it is your job to say something. But to have NO positive feedback? He took a risk! It's a smart concept! Otherwise, you wouldn't have done it. The major difference is that yours was a thank you to your subscribers and a look at your history. Alex made a love story, and looked back at it with regret and his own form of closure. MEANWHILE, Bad Weather had the worst video! Infomercial is SUCH an easy way out of a prop challenge. Granted, Foley is quite impressive. I wouldn't have thought of that, and it was a cool addition. HOWEVER at the end of the day it's still just a goofy infomercial! Why didn't you call them out on that? Isn't that what your entire channel was pretty much based around in its inception? Stupid infomercials? Ugh. That's bogus. And even if Bad Weather had stayed, Will should've gone home. He's out of his league now. And the fact that you KNEW Alex would've done well in the next challenge? I'm sorry, you goofed. ALL the dislikes.