Friday, November 2, 2012


No. No no no. Pissing me the hell off. YEAH YEAH we know women don't asked to get rape. Duh. Obvious. HOWEVER if you're gonna dress like that don't complain that the guy is only focusing on your boobs and butt or making rude comments. SON. THAT'S THE FIRST THING HE SEES. IF YOU DON'T WANT HIM TO SEE IT, COVER IT UP. By all means, continue to complain about rape. It's not at all okay, it's not a joke, and both men and women (because yes, men do get raped too, so don't give me that "double standard" ish when it goes both ways) need to understand that STOP MEANS STOP. If there is no consent, it's NOT okay, and it is NEVER "asked for" by the victim. But the comments? Please, you thrive off knowing guys like your ass. Otherwise, you wouldn't be showing it. As for cosplay, I get it, there's not much you can do. It's an accurate depiction of a character and that's not your fault. But if you're gonna dress like that for whatever reason, yeah, you're gonna get those comments. If you can't take them maybe you just need another costume. AND ABOUT THE DOUBLE STANDARD. You realize no one likes a man whore either? The issue isn't "women having premarital sex". It's premarital sex at all! The boy looks just as bad! Stop making it all about women! You wanna know why the women get blamed? Because women need to understand that THEY HAVE THE POWER. If he guy is respectable, HE. WILL. STOP. WHEN. YOU. STAY. STOP. Men only go as far as women let them! If they do more than that, it's rape (or at the very least sexual assault), and again, it's NOT OKAY AND SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY. But again, men who sleep around are a turn off too. Unless the girl ALSO sleeps around, what girl do you hear saying "Oh my God, he's slept with half the people in this school, isn't that so hot?" -___- The issue you're trying to discuss is acceptance of sex. Don't bring costumes into this.

I'm so glad SOMEBODY said it. Because this isn't okay. They already needed more help. The Northern East Coast will be good in a week, maybe a month. Not so much for our friends in the South! Consideration people, seriously.

Acting sucked.
I feel sick.
No more New Jersey 'cause of Sandy. No more Storm time.
These are my weirdest tags yet.

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"Leave your low-down at the ding-dong" -- Vic, RvB