Monday, October 13, 2014

There Is A God & He Has A Plan

Steps to take, in no real particular order aside from stream of conciousness.

> Accept the response.

> Catch up with Jonathan. Remain platonic, no matter what. This is a relationship that finally makes sense. Don't jeopardize that.

> Get my little tush back to McDaniel where things make sense.

> Hugs all around from the people I need.

> Plan some kick ass Alpha Psi Events for the babies.

> Rehearse my songs for Musical Theatre. Be a freaking star.

> Make myself some hot chocolate. It's been a while.

> Watch absolutely every animated movie I can. It heals me.

> Get someone to pray for me. Because I'm a mess and if I'm still a mess by the end of this week, I will truly need prayer.

> Gym? LOL yeah sure, we'll pretend to add that to the list.

> Maybe cry at some point? I don't think I will. It doesn't feel like I need to cry over this. But be prepared for tears, just in case.

> Write letters. To everyone. Because letters mean love.

> Plan an event for the mentees because they make me happy and I want that to be mutual.

> Read Gone Girl 'cause yo this book just got hella intense

> Look cute. With absolutely no one but yourself in mind. I know you never feel cute but dammit you're gonna try now.

> Listen to some good music. Like get up and dance music. And lay in bed and think about your purpose music. And holy crap does that take me back music. And yaaaas boo werk music. Hit repeat.

> Get over the idea of him. Get over him. Get over the hope that you may have found the right person. It's done. He's gone. It's not only over, it never even started. God has a plan. He has something or someone in mind for you and it will be great. It will be perfect. But realize this real quick. It's not him. And it's not now.

> Be okay.

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"Leave your low-down at the ding-dong" -- Vic, RvB