Saturday, January 23, 2016

Suicide Squad


Firstly, Jared Leto. Mind you, I didn't know anything about it until a search just now, but now I'm aware. I am all about trusting rape accusations and listening to those who are brave enough to speak up, but something about this just doesn't feel legitimate. I'm staying out of it, because a few tumblr posts does not educate me on the subject at all. HOWEVER, I'm more than a little tired of bad directors leading to bad press for Leto. It happened with Dallas Buyers Club when everyone was angry that he wasn't trans but played trans (heaven forbid actors play something they are not). That is 120% the fault of the casting director. Leto did all he could to portray the role well. Why be angry with him? And when it comes to the joker, I don't know if I'll like his performance. Jack has always been my favorite joker. I'm not sure if I like where this joker is going, and I don't know if that's bad acting choices or bad directing choices. But this meme about Jared & his director is so stupid. Not the meme itself, because it's admittedly pretty funny. But like, his director needs to chill tf out. He clearly doesn't know anything about Jared Leto. Much as I love that man, he's a child and a little punk and he always has been. He does stuff like this all the time. That doesn't make him the Joker incarnate. Chill. Please.

Furthermore, they are doing my girls dirty. I don't appreciate it. These costumes are a hot ass mess. I mean they look good, the girls look good, but you're not doing these characters justice! We get it, the actresses are hot. That's not the point of these incredibly complex and memorable characters. And everyone in the world knows I love me some Harley Quinn. I adore her, she's my favorite comic book character period. But they're treating her all wrong. Yes she's fun and quirky and insane! But she's not a ditz! She is humorous and says weird crap but the trailer made her playful banter look so damn forced! Need I remind you HARLEEN QUINZEL IS A FREAKING GENIUS. I don't need to talk more about that, there's an article online that more than accurately articulates my frustrations with how Harley is being handled. Yes, Harley is a badass, but I think Suicide Squad is showing the wrong sides of her. People won't love her because she's brilliant and devoted and strong and a SURVIVOR, they'll love her 'cause she's hot and fun and the Joker's play thing. I'm upset. I'M UPSET.

I have so many feelings. Oh my goodness.

Monday, January 18, 2016


Every now and again.

I think back to a boy who was stupidly charming. Who would spout off Greek histories as if he had lived them. Who saw a lot of good in me that I did not see in myself. A boy who said howdy. Wore RT merch and flannel. A boy who lived out in a wide open space. Who knew how to answer when I said "tell me something". And knew that he could ask it, too. Who dreamed just as big as I did about all of the things to come. A boy who promised me the world after barely knowing me a week. Who sang to me. Whose voice became deeper and raspier as the night went on and he found the courage to say the most indecent things. And it was fun. And stupid. And crazy. But fun.

And I'm so glad I found the strength to leave that boy behind. And I wonder if I'll ever be lucky enough to find all the fun and the daydreams that he brought me with someone else. Someone who is also mature and honest and committed. And who I don't have to worry about kissing. Someone who exists through more than screens. Someone just as playful, who knows when it's time to stop playing.