Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Remember IM5

Throwback to when 3 people left the band IM5 in the span of a year, and the band kinda fell apart. It was a huge sign when the 2nd member left that something was up and this band could no longer stand.

Lola not doing box office again didn't affect me much. Made sense. It's a temp job and she's overqualified. Lena leaving kinda shook everybody because she had such a major role, but it made sense because she seemed unhappy here (for reasons I totally get) and she needs to be in a place where she can do what she loves in ways that make sense to her reality and her moral compass - and we need someone who delivers more quickly so it really just was best for everyone and there's no hard feelings. David leaving is a blow to me personally. He isn't just closest to me in age but I work directly under him. He trained me and I am most comfortable with him. Almost friends. The two weeks he was on vacation, I kind of felt lost. I knew a lot of what I was doing but I didn't have someone to help me or guide me. And now, after next Friday, I'll have to go back to that. I don't want this job to be a sinking ship. Despite shortcomings, I do LOVE this job. I see the flaws. But I want to give it my all so it can be great. And that's what I'm going to do. That said, I'm sorely gonna miss David. I don't like it. I was supposed to be the baby and now we're going to hire three new people. Feelings